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Fountain Project

Dear Friends and Family,

 The Craine, Tilley and McClain families have been approached by many of you in regards to a memorial of some type.  Many have asked about a plaque or a bench at Golden West or Grace Community Church.  Working to honor your request we learned of policies from both Golden West and Grace Community Church that do not allow any more plaques on campus.  Both families fully understand and support these policies.

About 5 months back, Jeannie Craine woke up at 3 a.m. with an idea about what might work for a way to remember our sons.  Currently none of the baseball diamonds at Golden West have a permanent drinking fountain in place.  She asked Bob for his thoughts about installing drinking fountains with a plaque at each of the baseball fields there.  This would be something useful, something we could give to the school as a gift to honor the memory of Justin, Jason, and Bobby.  Jeannie spoke with Janet and Barbara about the idea and the Tilleys and McClains let us know that they, too, had friends and family wanting to do something like this.

Bob designed a plaque for the fountains. The plaque will use the Baseball Teams' patch that was worn last season after we lost our guys.

 We wanted to ensure that we honored all of our sons and felt that since all three teams wore this patch, it would be a valid symbol to remember our guys.  One of the friends that wanted to do something was Russ Bassett, a former Visalia Unified School District board member.  Russ supported the idea and began the process with VUSD.   We had to make some changes to the original plaque by removing Phil 4:13 and the word GOD, but the superintendent suggested we use the whole verse!  Something we wanted to do originally, but felt it would not be allowed.  All the families are very pleased with the support they received from VUSD.  They have agreed to grandfather our fountains in since now there is a policy that no more plaques of this type are allowed on campuses in the school district.  As of last week, we have approvals form the VUSD to move forward with installing the fountains and plaques.

Bob worked with Dan Kirkindoll Designs who donated his time and site drawings.  Mike Smith of HAJOCO in Fresno arranged for the 3 fountains from Haws Mfg. at cost.   Dan and Gordan of Beer Monuments in Kingsburg, worked with Tim at WN Bronze in Fresno to have the plaques cast at cost.  John Koster (Koster Concrete), Al Olivier (Artesia Ready Mix) and America Transit Mix worked together on providing the concrete and gravel needed.  

All the PVC pipe was donated by Kern Turf and the drain lines were donated by Fresno Plumbing with the fittings coming from Koller Plumbing and Westburne Supply.  Darren Holt and United Rentals donated trenchers and their expertise.  Our project costs estimates were running at approximately $7500.00, but thanks to these vendors, our cost will only run $4300.00.  We have already received part of what is needed to cover the cost from friends and family. Should donations exceed the amount needed, we will deposit any extra dollars into the the Jason Tilley, Bobby Craine, and Justin McClain Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Kevin, Steve, and I wanted to make sure you know that we appreciate your support.  Thank you to the 30 men and women that came out on February 8, 2003 to help dig and plumb.  We had three teams of 10 working all day to prepare the site. 

Thank you again for your time, money, and prayers that so many have provided.

Bob & Jeannie Craine, Kevin & Barbara Tilley, and Steve & Janet McClain


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