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Justin McClain

Justin McClain was born on Oct. 8, 1986 in Visalia.  Justin moved to heaven on April 6, 2002 to join both of his grandfathers, Bus Badgett and Richard McClain, and his uncle, Tom Sawyer.  His parents, Janet and Steven, and his sister, Ashley McClain, reside in Visalia.  Also in California, Justin has a grandmother, Ruth Badgett, a grandmother, Lynn McClain, and an aunt and cousins Susan, Allison and Ryan Sawyer.  Justin’s Aunt Sharman and Uncle Tom Badgett-Young live in the state of Washington.  Justin’s Uncle Dick and Aunt Jen McClain and cousins Sierra and Weston live in Oregon.  Justin also has a great-uncle and aunt, Warren and Jane McClain.  


Justin was a freshman at Gold West High School, where he was on the wrestling team, and he had recently joined the Art Club ad campus Bible study.  He was a member of Grace Community Church and was involved in the High School Youth Group.  Until recently he worked as a helper in the preschool Sunday school.  He served some summers as a worker or “MC” at the church’s summer music camps, and a number of other service projects.  Justin and his father visited an elementary school in Exeter every year, dressed as super heroes to promote a third-grade grammar program.  Justin had the heart of a servant, and he loved the Lord.   

Justin’s hobbies included skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, paintballing and Internet video gaming.  His main interests where his family and friends.  He also loved animals and liked spending time with his family’s 33 pets.  He had a tender heart for all living things.  He hoped to become a writer and/or an actor.  He had a great imagination.  He loved the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and, although her was having trouble passing Spanish, he could easily write in Tolkien’s Elvish language.  In quieter moments, he enjoyed listening to music, reading, drawing and cooking.  He loved to box and wrestle with his dad.  He had a terrific sense of humor and liked to watch comedy shows on television with his sister.  He loved to make his mother laugh.  His family and friends know he is alive in heaven but will miss him terribly here on Earth.  Justin was a joy to be around.

presented by Justin's Father Steve McClain

Written by Uncle Dick McClain
No person in heaven communicates with those of us still living on the earth. If they did, we might hear Justin McClain say something like the following.


Hello my friends. I want you to know that I had a truly fantastic life when I was there with you. My family loved me, accepted me, laughed and played with me, encouraged and guided me. They also taught me about Jesus - with their words and with their lives. I really had some special times with my dad - surfing, skiing, and so many other fun things. And I had some wonderful friends. Three of them are here with me now. My life was so very blessed. I have to tell you that my fifteen years of earthly life were so good, that most people who live to be 75 years of age would be lucky to have experienced as much love, joy, and adventure. I have wonderful memories I will never forget. Thank you.


As good as my life was before, it is far better now. Jesus tells me in person how much He loves me. He hugs and kisses me all the time. Wow! He makes me just burst with joy. I never get tired anymore. I never feel pain. I never feel sad. I am only a little taller but I feel stronger than Superman. And it is so beautiful here, that it makes even Hawaii look ugly. I am making great new friends. I have met and talked with Moses, David, the apostle Paul, Luther, and so many wonderful believers from every century and every part of the world. It is so good up here that I am not allowed to tell some of the best of what's here. The Lord wants you to think about heaven, but He wants you to focus more on the mission He gave us as stewards of the gospel of grace.

Thank you for remembering me today. Thank you for loving me, laughing with me, sharing good times with me, and for making my life such a blessing. But I want to point you less at my life and more on my beloved Jesus. He is everything. I understand truths now I only partly grasped when I was with you. I am allowed to tell you a little bit about what I now understand here in heaven. Jesus did it all for us.


The last word Jesus yelled before He gave up His spirit on the cross was the word "Tetelestai". That word means "paid in full". My debt for sin was paid in full. That left nothing for me to pay for my salvation, for the Lord's permanent love, acceptance, forgiveness, intimacy with God the Father through the Holy Spirit, and His permanent listening to my prayers. When I first chose to depend through faith in Jesus Christ's death on the cross for my sin, he took my sin and in exchange gave me His righteousness, He joined Himself to me, and He blessed me with all spiritual blessings. From then on I was "in Him" as it says so often in Ephesians. Once I was "in Him" I had it all. My friends, if you are "in Him" please believe that you are forever in His favor. Let that truth impact your life. Let that blessing make you His eager servant, spreading kindness, love, and the good news to the lost world you still live in. Give thanks and rejoice, for God loves you, and He will never stop loving you.


If you have not believed in Him, he wants to bless you too. He offers you the same present He offered me. Reach out in faith and take it. Believe in His sacrifice on the cross for you, and you too can be profoundly blessed just like me. You too can enter His presence and His favor forever. If you choose to place your dependent faith in my Lord I have one last thing to say. I'll be seeing you!


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