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I was born in 1957 in San Jose, CA and raised in Hanford, CA not far from here. My mom was an active Roman Catholic and my dad was a non-active Christian Science.  Prior to my dad getting married to my mom, he and his second wife were very active in his church as readers. 

I attended Thomas McCarthy School from K-8th and graduated from Hanford High in 1975.  I was even an alter boy while attending 5th-8th grade.  During my High School years I played guitar in the youth service once per month and became the president of the St. Bridget’s youth group my senior year.  

In 1976 I fell head over heels for a member of the Glad Tidings Assembly of God church in Hanford.  At first I attended church just to be with this special lady, Shellie Egger.  Over the next 10 months I attended both Glad Tidings, and to please my mom, Rose, I kept attending St. Bridget's.   I listened to Pastor White at Glad Tidings and began to learn a lot about Christ.  I found I really enjoyed the worship and learning from the Bible.  Reading God’s word for myself was a new experience.  It was a very confusing time because of my upbringing in the Catholic Church, so I wasn’t sure about this personal commitment thing with Christ.  My mom taught me about the power of prayer and I witnessed her faith but I didn’t own mine.   

Over the summer of 1977 the Glad Tidings youth went away to summer camp.  Shellie returned home from camp on fire for the Lord along with all the rest of the youth.  I was very happy to see her, but not too happy to hear what she had leaned at camp.  She told me the speaker spoke about not being yoked with non-believers and that she should only “date Christians.”  At first my heart stopped, then I saw something in her eyes that made me tell her, ok!  I knew she was fulfilling what God had showed her at camp.  I answered, okay, if that’s what you must do, so that night we broke up.   I told her I didn’t fully understand, but there was a wonderful sincere presence surrounding her!  What a powerful witness she was to me, knowing how much she cared for me but willing to give up our relationship because she wanted to obey Christ.  This really opened my eyes to what faith is all about.  It was because of her desire to serve the Lord that I wanted to know more about God and His power and love. 

I continued to attend Glad Tidings and became friends with Rusty Nabors and Tom Croslin.   I used to have lunch with Rusty’s mom and dad a lot.  It was a great time of learning about other Christian families.  These wonderful people helped me to learn even more about Christ and myself.  We talked a lot about all kinds of subjects and each discussion always tied to God’s word and plan for our lives.   Together Tom and Rusty and I played on the church softball team along with a lot of other wonderful men.  I faithfully attended each Sunday and Wednesday service; little did I know what God had in store for me at the time.  I was a part of the youth ministry and learned much in my short time at Glad Tidings. 

One memory that stands out is the morning I came home form milking cows.  (Oh yes, I milked cows as relief milker for the Lastiri Dairy in Hanford.)  My friend, Mike Lastiri, later became a catholic priest.  Any way I came home about 6:30am and walked by my dad who was sitting reading the LA times. In passing I mentioned I was going to shower and go to early service before getting to bed.  My dad dropped the newspaper down and asked why the change.  I stopped and asked what do you mean?  Dad stated he sees me going to church Wednesday night, Sunday Morning and Sunday night and wanted to know why?  I told my dad “If what I am doing is wrong and there is no heaven, then what have I lost?  But if what I am doing is right, and there is a heaven, then I have everything to gain.”  From that day forward my Dad never questioned my desire to seek God again.       

In the fall of 1977, on a Sunday night Pastor White extended an altar call.  I allowed God to speak to my heart and walked forward that evening.  I remember it so well because I accepted Christ that night.  My brother in Christ, Perry Taylor, led me through the sinner’s prayer.  Tears poured down my cheeks.  My friends Shellie, Krista, Debbie, Debra, Rusty, Tom, Mr. & Mrs. Nabors and many others surrounded me that night and supported my decision in prayer along side me.  I will never forget the words that Krista's sister, Debbie, shared with me that night, “Confusion is not of God.  If you feel confused, its Satan working overtime to get you to change your mind.”  

Let me close with my favorite verse: 

My favorite verse, Psalm 121- A song of ascents.

I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you-- the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm-- he will watch over your life;  the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

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